M.O.Mpreneurs ~ Be Inspired by Carla Young and Become Your Own MOMeo

If there’s living proof that women can have it all – and then some – it’s Carla Young. Founder and CEO of MOMeoMagagazine.com, Carla takes pride in her role as a wife, mother and businesswoman, and finding that enviable balance.

Carla rejected the old model of women trying compete with men and to “do it all” as an unhealthy and unsustainable way to do business. Instead, she built her copywriting agency on a virtual, work-from-home model, leveraging her time with the help of a talented support team and the right blend of technology and marketing savvy.

After constantly being approached by other Moms who wanted to do the same, Carla saw a need to build a resource community for other Moms.

MOMeoMagazine.com is a resource for Entrepreneurial Mothers that includes articles addressing work life, family life andplaytime for mommy.

More and more women are choosing to stay at home with their young children, leveraging their expertise into work-at-home careers or home-based businesses. Defining success on THEIR terms, entrepreneurial mothers are starting everything from hobby businesses to multi-million dollar enterprises, all while raising their families.

Featuring expert articles and practical advice for entrepreneurial mothers, MOMeoMagazine.com empowers busy women to strive for the best in BOTH their work and family lives, and to achieve that all-important, yet ever-elusive balance (because even mommy needs her playtime).

Meet Carla Young

M.O.M Katie ~ You have been such an inspiration and guiding light to the Mompreneur community, what is your ultimate goal/dream for MOMeo Magazine? Why did you start it?

M.O.M Carla ~MOMeo Magazine started out of my own journey as an entrepreneurial mom struggling to find balance and create systems that worked for our family and enabled me to continue building my business.

Ultimate goal...

Nothing is more rewarding then hearing the stories of the moms we've inspired or the advice that has made a real impact so our ultimate goal is to help as many moms succeed in business as possible. I believe that motherhood is the most creative time in a woman's life because we need to be to stir the imaginations of our children. Out of that creativity, so many amazing ideas are born and our aim is to give wings to as many ideas as possible.

I truly believe that by helping mothers we are helping children. It's for that reason that so many development efforts focus on mothers, but the needs of the working poor in North America are often neglected. I would love to take our vision for helping moms to build businesses to the grassroots level and become an instrument for helping moms step out of working poverty situations by teaching them how to build microbusinesses while raising their children.

M.O.M Katie ~ As a M.O.M (master of multitasking), how do you manage your day to day? What is the key to balancing it all?

M.O.M Carla ~ Indeed, moms are gifted multitaskers capable of juggling many activities simultaneously, but that is both a blessing and a curse. It means that we can cram a lot into a single day, but it holds us back from accomplishing the big picture tasks that require serious focus. Often we end up feeling frazzled and overwhelmed because we spent an entire day trying to juggle too many things at once and failed to complete any of them.

Instead of resorting to multitasking to complete tasks, I recommend single-tasking -- choosing one task and working on it to completion. It sounds simple enough, but when you consider how often we are interrupted by others (and ourselves with our constant checking in and monitoring of communications), it's a challenge. That said, it's a challenge worth perfecting because it allows us to finish tasks and not just endure the frustration of constantly starting them.

How do I manage my day to day? Simple: by focusing on completing 2 to 3 core tasks on my must-do list. Limiting your daily task list to 2 or 3 key tasks means #1: you need to prioritize what gets done every single day and #2: it keeps you from feeling overwhelmed because your task list is only at most 3 items long so you end your day having completed your work for the day.

The key to balancing it all is being okay with a little imbalance. Sometimes I get nothing done during the day because that's my time with my daughter and so it means working in the evenings or late at night (which works for me because I am a night owl by nature). Sometimes I need to hand off parenting duties to my husband so I can get stuff done in the office. It's all about the give and take.

M.O.M Katie ~ What is the one piece of advice you would tell new moms debating the go back to work or stay home conflict?

M.O.M Carla ~ Know yourself. If you are happy in an office environment where you get a break from your role as a parent, then blending family life and work life maybe isn't for you. If you are uncomfortable with promoting yourself to build a business, starting a business of any sort is probably not for you.

BUT if you value being close to your children, even if it's just hearing them play in the playroom with a nanny or fitting work in between your time with them, and if you have something you are passionate about doing, then it's worth trying it.

The key difference between going back to work and building a work-from-home business is the freedom and flexibility it gives you to work when and where you want, which means when your kids need you, you can be there. It still means you need to do the work - that doesn't change no matter where your job is located.

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Website: http://momeomagazine.com/

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